
Posts Tagged ‘Heron Dance Art Studio’

Snowy Evening by Rod MacIver

Snowy Evening by Rod MacIver

On occasion I muse on this blog about pausing and giving one’s self permission to stop moving in a world that is increasingly hectic.  One resource that has been especially useful for me of late is Roderick MacIver’s A Pause for Beauty, a daily e-journal produced by the Heron Dance Art Studio featuring MacIver’s paintings paired with his words or select quotations.

Solo Migration by Rod MacIver

Solo Migration by Rod MacIver

I was moved to contact MacIver, wanting to know more about this artist, his inspirations and the creation of his Heron Dance Art Studio.  Following are excerpts from our conversation.  Please note that the images he has granted permission to share on this blog are those he considers some of his favorites.

Eagle Morning by Rod MacIver

Eagle Morning by Rod MacIver

The website describes Heron Dance as a literary nonprofit and art studio founded in 1994.  While MacIver’s paintings dominate the site, he made clear that Heron Dance began as a print publication — a blue newsletter — based on interviews with people he met during his travels, people “who had some concept of greater good.”  “Art,” he noted,  “was minor in the beginning.”   As for why he conducted these interviews, “Well, previously I had worked on Wall Street and then I was diagnosed with a serious illness, non-Hodgkins lymphoma.  As I survived that illness, I wanted to devote myself to something positive.”  And so he set out to capture the experiences of people doing good works, learning about their spiritual lives, what motivated them, the nature of their struggles, as well as hopes.  Eventually, as he fully describes on his website, he stopped looking without and began looking within.

Tranquil Reflections by Rod MacIver

Tranquil Reflections by Rod MacIver

He taught himself to paint while in the hospital.  The art made its way into the print publication simply as part of the graphic design of the masthead.  It was over time, he shared, that the art became more important.  As more people began asking for his artwork, he realized his art could be an integral part of a business.  But painting he asserts is about more than business.  “No, I enjoy painting.  I need to create time to do more of it.”

Grizzly Wonder by Rod MacIver

Grizzly Wonder by Rod MacIver

He currently splits his time between the business side of the Heron Dance Art Studio (located in Vermont) and “the quiet beauty” of cabin life in the Adirondack woods where the landscape’s influence is clear in his painting.  Taoism is inspiring him these days. Taoism is a spiritual tradition that promotes living in harmony with nature, among other beliefs. “It’s an interesting approach to spirituality.  Water is an important component that I am exploring.  Water-related activities have been an important part of my life.”

Morning Solitude by Rod MacIver

Morning Solitude by Rod MacIver

The home page of the Heron Dance website lists his current and ongoing creative projects including new collections of his paintings and personal reflections available in books, calendars and diaries.

Heron Whisper by Rod MacIver

Heron Whisper by Rod MacIver

If you have a quite moment, or better yet, if you are seeking a quiet moment, I encourage you to read Mr. MacIver’s very detailed account of the the origins of Heron Dance via this link.  There you will find excerpts from the interviews mentioned earlier in this post, and see not only the evolution of a publication like Heron Dance but also witness the ongoing evolution of a person and his unique journey in this life.   Enjoy!

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